As part of our scientific work, the ITS is regularly attends at major international conferences to present new research findings. In addition to presenting our own results, the main focus is on exchanging ideas with and receiving feedback from scientists from research institutions around the world. We would like to share our insights into these conference visits, as well as general news, awards and other exciting events with you here.

As part of the course "Thermal Turbomachines", we visited the Rhein-Hafen-Dampfkraftwerk in Karlsruhe, one of the most technologically advanced coal-fired power plants in the world, on February 10.
In the winter semester 2024/25, the lecture "Boosting the Modern Energy Landscape via Turbo Machines & Machine Learning" will once again take place at ITS. In this lecture, students acquire in-depth knowledge in the field of radial machines as well as an introduction to selected methods of artificial intelligence. This knowledge is deepened in the course of the semester in a practical part, which is carried out on a real turbocharger test bench at ITS. As part of this practical part, the students will use a suitable machine learning model to predict the "pumping" flow phenomenon on the basis of specially recorded measurement data.
MoreThe accompanying excursion to the ITS main lectures "Thermal Turbomachinery" and "Hydraulic Fluid Machinery" took place during the Whitsun week from May 21 to May 24. The excursion alternates between the western, eastern and southern routes every three years. This year, 20 students traveled the eastern route via Nuremberg, Leipzig, Berlin and Magdeburg and visited well-known manufacturers of turbomachinery.
MoreThe four-day excursion for the Thermal Turbomachinery and Hydraulic Fluid Machinery lectures will take place from May 21 to 24. This year, the coach trip to Berlin will include visits to the companies Leistritz (Nuremberg), a gas and steam power plant at Leipziger Stadtwerke, the headquarters of Rolls Royce Germany near Berlin, MAN Energy Solutions (Berlin) and the wind turbine manufacturer Enercon in Magdeburg. Students with an interest in turbomachinery can now register using the form on the website, even if they are not attending the lectures mentioned.
MoreFrom January 20 to 23, 2024, the ITS ski seminar took place again in Gaschurn in Montafon in wintry, cold but sunny weather. For the first time after a five-year interruption due to the coronavirus pandemic, 22 former and current ITS employees traveled to the Hotel Saladina.
Together with interested students from our lectures, we visited the Rhein-Hafen-Dampfkraftwerk (RDK) in Karlsruhe on 15.01.2024. The regular excursion offers the opportunity to gain practical insights into turbomachinery and power plant technology.
MoreWelcome to the Institute of Thermal Turbomachinery
We, the Institute of Thermal Turbomachinery (ITS), conduct research into highly topical and innovative issues in the field of aircraft engines and gas turbines as well as hydraulic turbomachinery. In cooperation with leading engine and gas turbine manufacturers, our work focuses on increasing efficiency, environmental friendliness and safety. By collaborating with a wide range of industry and research partners, we create a link between university teaching and industrial application. As a graduate student or student trainee, you will gain experience in both applied and fundamental research with a focus on experimental/measurement and numerical topics. We lay the foundations for this through exciting lectures, practical courses and excursions, in which we provide you with insights into application areas of classical mechanical engineering under extreme environmental and boundary conditions.

Components of the combustion chamber, the turbine and the secondary air system of turbomachinery are examined in more detail.
We train students in the field of turbomachinery and offer exciting internships and excursions.
Experiments and numerical methods are used to analyze physical effects.