Implementation of a surface tension model for the simulation of free surfaces using SPH
- chair:SPH & surface tension
- type:numerical master thesis
- tutor:

The efficient simulation of fluid mechanical phenomena plays a decisive role in various technical applications. turboSPH, a code based on the smoothed particles hydrodynamics method, was developed at IST for this purpose. This model is intended to significantly improve the accuracy and reliability of simulations that model surface tension-dominated flows, including simulations of oil-jet lubrication of bearings and gears, and CO2 separation processes in gas-flowing contact reactors. This code is to be extended by a dynamic, contact angle-based surface tension model for free surfaces.
The goal of the thesis is to perform a comprehensive study of the models implemented in turboSPH and to include a new surface tension model. To evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of the implemented model, the results will be compared with analytical solutions or experimental data.
Required Skills:
- Basic knowledge of fluid mechanics and computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
- Sense of responsibility and initiative.
- Prior knowledge of Linux and C++ is an advantage.