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Experimental Characterization of Premixed Flame Instabilities of a Model Gas Turbine Burner

Experimental Characterization of Premixed Flame Instabilities of a Model Gas Turbine Burner



Flow, Turbulence and Combustion,
Vol. 76, 2006, Page 177-197


In recent years, the NO, emissions of heavy duty gas turbine burners have been significantly reduced by introducing premixed combustion. These highly premixed burners are known to be prone to combustion oscillations. In this Paper, investigations of a single model gas turbine burner are reported focusing on thermo-acoustic instabilities and their interaction with the periodic fluctuations of the velocity and pressure. Phase-locked optical measurement techniques such as LDA and LIF gave insight into the mechanisms.

Detailed investigations of a gas turbine combustor rig revealed that the combustor as well as the air plenum oscillate in Helmholtz modes. These instabilities could be attributed to the phase lag of the pressure oscillations between the air plenum and the combustor, which causes an acceleration and deceleration of the air flow through the burner and, therefore, alternating Patterns of fuel rich and lean bubbles. When these bubbles reach the reaction Zone, density fluctuations are generated which in turn lead to velocity fluctuations and, hence, keep up the pressure oscillations.
With increasing the equivalence ratio strong combustion oscillations could be identified at the same frequency. Similarly as with weak oscillations, Helmholtz mode pressure fluctuations are present but the resulting velocity fluctuations in the combustor can be described as a pumping motion of the flow. By the velocity fluctuations the swirl stabilization of the flame is disturbed. At the same time, the oscillating pressure inside the combustor reaches its minimum value. Shortly after the flame expands again, the pressure increases inside the combustor. This phenomenon which is triggered by the pressure oscillations inside the air plenum seems tobe the basic mechanism of the flame instability and leads to a significant increase of the pressure amplitudes.