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Experimental Investigation of the Interaction of Unsteady Flow with Combustion

Experimental Investigation of the Interaction of Unsteady Flow with Combustion
Author: Schildmacher,K.-U.
Source: Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power,
Vol. 127, No. 2, April 2005, Page 295-300
ASME-Paper GT-2003-38644


In order to reduce the dimensions of the combustor, swirl stabilized flames are used in heavy duty gas turbines. In our recent investigation of the swirling flow at a single heavy duty gas turbine burner under non-reacting conditions typical instabilities like precessing vortex cores and vortex shedding have been found.
In the present paper the experimental investigations will be discussed. Combustion instabilities have been analyzed by phase-locked Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA) measurements. For the reacting flow, also combustion instabilities could be detected.
The amplitude increases strongly with the equivalence ratio. The frequency of the oscillations for reacting conditions has been found to be slightly shifted towards lower frequencies compared to those of the corresponding non-reacting flow. In addition, for the reacting flow a linear and non-linear range of oscillations could be discriminated.