Numerical study of jet impact on a rotating cylinder using Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics


Rolling bearings are used to support the shafts of an aircraft engine due to their good emergency running properties. In order to reliably provide these bearings with oil for lubrication and cooling, an efficient oil system is required. The oil for lubricating the bearing is injected onto the rotor via oil nozzles and guided to the bearing by the rotation (lower left picture). Of high importance is the investigation of the jet impact on a rotating cylinder.

Currently, multiphase smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations are already used for the numerical investigation of the oil supply. The aim of the thesis is to describe and characterize the different flow phenomena for different operating points on a simplified model (bottom right image).

The master thesis allows to contribute to a current research topic in the field of multiphase flow simulation and provides insight into highly dynamic flow phenomena. Previous knowledge of Linux, Python or C++ is an advantage, but not a mandatory requirement.